Michele Vives, the duly appointed permanent receiver (the “Receiver”) of 1inMM Capital, LLC and its subsidiaries and affiliates (“1inMM”), and over assets that are attributable to funds derived from investors or clients of the above-captioned defendants (“Defendants”) or were fraudulently transferred by the Defendants (collectively, the “Estate”), pursuant to Local Rule 66-6 and the Order on Appointment of a Permanent Receiver (“Order of Appointment”) entered on January 14, 2022, hereby submits this quarterly report (the “Report”) for the period July 1, 2023 through September 30, 2023 (the “Third Quarter 2023”). This Report details the Receiver’s principal activities during the Third Quarter 2023 to protect and administer the Estate and to identify new assets, and lays out the Receiver’s general strategy to maximize the recovery for the benefit of investors harmed by the Ponzi scheme perpetrated by Defendants (the “1inMM Ponzi Scheme”).
Quarterly Report of Receiver Michele Vives (Third Quarter 2023)
By dwc1620|2023-11-06T18:40:25+00:00November 6th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Quarterly Report of Receiver Michele Vives (Third Quarter 2023)