This matter came before the Court upon the Motion of Plaintiff Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) for Appointment of a Permanent Receiver (the
“Motion”). The Court, having considered the SEC’s Motion, grants the Motion and finds good cause exists to warrant the appointment of a permanent receiver over 1inMM Capital, LLC; over assets that are attributable to funds derived from investors or clients of the Defendants or were fraudulently transferred by the Defendants; and, to identify any other significant assets that may be available to compensate investors. I. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the SEC’s Motion to Appoint a Permanent Receiver is GRANTED and a permanent receiver shall be appointed over 1inMM Capital, LLC; over assets that are attributable to funds derived from investors or clients of the Defendants or were fraudulently transferred by the Defendants
(collectively, the “Subject Assets”); and, to identify any other significant assets that may be available to compensate investors. II. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Michele Vives of Douglas Wilson Companies is appointed as permanent receiver of Defendant 1inMM Capital, LLC (“1inMM”) and its subsidiaries and affiliates, and over the Subject Assets, with full powers of an equity receiver, including, but not limited to, full power over all funds, assets, collateral, premises (whether owned, leased, occupied, or otherwise controlled), choses in action, books, records, papers and other property belonging to, being managed by or in the possession of or control of Defendant 1inMM and its subsidiaries and affiliates, and over the Subject Assets, and that such receiver is immediately authorized, empowered and directed…

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